On the basis of geographical diversity there are 14 zones and 75 districts in Nepal. This division was made during the region of king Mahendra in the year 2018 BS. Prior to this, there were 35 districts in Nepal i.e. 12 in terai and 23 district in the mountains.
Ecologically, Makawanapur district lies in the hilly region. But a big part of this district is in inner Terai. It is made up of sandy, gravelly and alluvial soil. Churai is in the south and Mahabharat in the north encloses the inner Terai. Churai is a single name given to several low hills. It comprises of loose, rocky and gravelly soil. Thus it is very fragile and delicate causing soil erosion and landslides. The Mahabharat range is also made up of rocky and gravelly soil. It has both gentle and steep slopes. Landslide and soil erosion are prevalent here too. All rivers except Bagmati which flow through this district originate in this part.
The climate of this district varies with the variation in altitude. Inner terai and the lower parts of Churai experience sub-tropical climate while higher parts of Churai and lower parts of the Mahabharat range enjoy temperate climate. The upper part of the Mahabharat range faces cool temperate climate. The inner Terai and Churai are covered with sub tropical evergreen forests. Sal, Sissau and Khayar are some of the trees found in these places. Unlike the inner Terai and Churai the Mahabharat consists of mixed forests of evergreen, deciduous, tall as well as short trees. Of the total non cultivated land of this district, 2461 hectare are occupied by grazing land, 64411 by forests and 689 by other types of vegetation.
The main occupation of the people of this district is agriculture. People grow both food crops and cash crops. Rice, maize and millet are some food crops whereas tobacco, sugar cane, mustard and soya bean are some of the cash crops. Some people are engaged in industries as well. Fifty eight large scale industries have been established in this district including Hetauda Cement Factory, Himal Textile Industries and National Soap Industries. Very few people of this district work in the service sector.
portion of the East-West Highway, Trubhuvan Highway, Pharping-Hetauda road and
some local roads provide modern transportation services to the people. Above
80% people of this district have been supplied with water. This district has
only one big hospital. Patients with complicated cases are referred to the
hospitals in Kathmandu for further treatment.
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