Samsung India has been launched the First Ultra High Definition Television which was announced in New Delhi on July 2, 2013. It is a high standard Television which is more innovative having good appearance. It is very safe for watching and will keep our eyes safe. It is very large having 85 inches display. We can feel difference and enjoy much by watching this television. This is not like a simple television it will be a substitute of some cinemas, it means we feel like watching in big screen like in the cinema hall. The target of introducing the television is to meet the present preferences of consumer and make available the television in their choice in present scenario. The market demand and need big screen television is increasing enough since last 5 years so it will be the best choice of the customer in the market.
According to the Sr Vice President of Samsung India Mr. Atul Jain had told at the launching day, "The Timeless Gallery Design of the Samsung UHD TV meets the need of premium customers for Innovative design coupled with Bess in Class performance. The UHD TV offers a resoultion that is four-times better than that of full HD TVs and UHD screens offer enhanced clarity with rich colour"
According to him, it is it is not only expensive it can meet and fulfill the need and preferences of customer with its high quality in sight, screen and have good technology which will not affect negatively in the sight. It is very clear and digitally improved in its display colours.
Blending fine craftsmanship with technology excellence, the 85S9 includes Samsung’s proprietary up-scaling engine which can up-convert HD or Full-HD to UHD-level picture quality by restoring information details to create greater precision for real-life picture quality. In addition to the up-scaling engine, Samsung is addressing current conflicting UHD content industry standards in several other ways to ease purchasing concerns and to ensure that users will be able to view UHD content for years to come. Set within a floating frame, the Ultra High Definition TV offers the latest in smart features through Samsung's future proof Smart Evolution Kit. The Evolution Kit ensures that consumers are able to take advantage of software as well as hardware developments as they occur in UHD and upgrade to the latest version. Consumers will now be able to watch UHD content regardless of standardisations – now and into the future – as the Evolution Kit will update the TV to meet the latest standards.
The television is highly expensive which cost INR 2,700,000/- in India and it is available in the market across major retails stores in the India.
The Samsung 85S9 is produced by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd of India Which is a leading technology based company and have high market coverage in the world. Which is continuously being involving in new discoveries and innovation in the field of technology. The company have given opportunities as employer all over the 79 countries of the world. It has 236,000 employees in the 79 countries and its sales volume is US D 187.8 billion annually. So the company has contributed in various sectors by providing employment to the public, providing latest technology to the customers and paying higher tax to the government.
According to the Sr Vice President of Samsung India Mr. Atul Jain had told at the launching day, "The Timeless Gallery Design of the Samsung UHD TV meets the need of premium customers for Innovative design coupled with Bess in Class performance. The UHD TV offers a resoultion that is four-times better than that of full HD TVs and UHD screens offer enhanced clarity with rich colour"
According to him, it is it is not only expensive it can meet and fulfill the need and preferences of customer with its high quality in sight, screen and have good technology which will not affect negatively in the sight. It is very clear and digitally improved in its display colours.
Blending fine craftsmanship with technology excellence, the 85S9 includes Samsung’s proprietary up-scaling engine which can up-convert HD or Full-HD to UHD-level picture quality by restoring information details to create greater precision for real-life picture quality. In addition to the up-scaling engine, Samsung is addressing current conflicting UHD content industry standards in several other ways to ease purchasing concerns and to ensure that users will be able to view UHD content for years to come. Set within a floating frame, the Ultra High Definition TV offers the latest in smart features through Samsung's future proof Smart Evolution Kit. The Evolution Kit ensures that consumers are able to take advantage of software as well as hardware developments as they occur in UHD and upgrade to the latest version. Consumers will now be able to watch UHD content regardless of standardisations – now and into the future – as the Evolution Kit will update the TV to meet the latest standards.
The Samsung 85S9 is produced by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd of India Which is a leading technology based company and have high market coverage in the world. Which is continuously being involving in new discoveries and innovation in the field of technology. The company have given opportunities as employer all over the 79 countries of the world. It has 236,000 employees in the 79 countries and its sales volume is US D 187.8 billion annually. So the company has contributed in various sectors by providing employment to the public, providing latest technology to the customers and paying higher tax to the government.
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