Water is found in sufficient quantity on the surface of the earth. About 3/4 part of the earth is covered by oceans and seas. Water vapor is mixed in the air. Underground source of water is used for different purposes. High mountains are covered by the snow which is another form of water. Our body contains 70% water by weight and the green vegetables contain about 90% water. Hence water is found in different forms.
The major sources of the water can be basically classified into two groups. They are;
1. Surface water: the water that available on the
earth's surface such as river, pond, streams etc are surface water sources.
Underground water: the water sources such as
wells, tubes-wells, springs are underground sources of water.
Rain water, river and lakes, ocean are main surface water sources. Rain water is the purest form of natural water. Since water is a good solvent, it contains many impurities. The dust particles, sand, gases are also mixed in water. Many diseases can be caused by water. In the absence of water no beings are possible in the world. Water is free natural sources of earth. The Brazil is has the richest count of water and it is also the only one the first richest country of water resources. And the second richest country of water is Nepal.
Being the second richest country of water there is scarcity of water due to unmanaged political situation and urbanization in the high speed. Many rivers have been mixed the dirt from the city. So the water resource is being polluted day by day in Nepal. If this trend continues there will be the high scarcity of water for drinking. If Nepalese manage the water resources they can produce 83,000 MW, which is huge amount in the context of territorial aria. They can earn more money if they run hydroelectricity project in optimum level of water resource in the country by selling to the neighbor countries.
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