Arbitrage the market
Arbitrage is to take advantage from existence of different prices for the same product at the same time but in different market. The different markets can be at different geographic locations for the same financial assets or different financial assets in one or more geographical locations for the same financial asset or different financial assets in one or more geographic locations. Arbitrage between locations can involve two or more currencies.
is the rate at which the quoting party or bidder is prepared to purchase
currency or accept a deposit or any other contract. If the party to whom it was
quoted accepts the bid rate then that party will sell currencies, area, land or
money as well other many commodities at the price.
Call Money
placed with a financial institution for a short period without a fixed maturity
date is called call money. The money can be called withdrawn at any time.
Normally 48 hours notice is required prior to withdrawal of such funds. Such
fund attracts little interest.
execution of the actual transaction the terms in which foreign exchange or
money market transaction sent out by each party about the transaction to each
other. The confirmation contains the exact details of the transaction and thus
several legal, practical and antifraud purposes.
fix an exchange rate on funds which will be matured or be required at some
future date.
Cross Rate
exchange rate arrived by calculating two other bilateral exchange rates (two
different currencies compared to the same third currency) is cross rate. For
example, if we known the exchange rates for both Pounds and EURO against US
dollars, we can compute the exchange rate for Pounds against EURO.
is the gradual decline, usually occurring over several days or weeks on account
of market forces of supply or demand.
amount by which the forward exchange rate of one currency against another
currency is less than the spot exchange rate between the two currency.
(As a verb)
a loan is made, the task to subtract interest from the loan amount is discount.
Exchange Rate
amount of one currency that can be bought or sold for certain amount of another
amount which inflows in a given currency are less or greater than outflows in
that currency.
Float (As a Noun)
money available between actual receipt of funds and scheduled payment of those
fund. During this interval, the beneficiary of that float can deposit the funds
in the money market and earn interest. Thus, it can be said that a positive
float earns money and negative float costs money.
move value of exchange rate up or down according to the forces of supply and
demand in the market.
Foreign Exchange
currencies of all other countries traded are call foreign exchange.
Forward Exchange Rate
price of foreign currency, which must be delivered sometime in the future.
Normally, transactions, which mature within two business days, are called spot
transaction. Any transaction, with a longer value date than that of spot, is
called forward exchange contract.
period in foreign exchange transaction between the maturities for purchase and
the maturities for sale of each foreign currency. In money market transactions
the period between the maturities of placement and the maturities of each
currency. The former occurs when a currency is purchased against one currency
and sold against another, each time for different maturities. Leading a certain
amount of a certain currency for a larger or shorter period than the
corresponding borrowing for the same currency creates the money market gap.
ability to meet financial obligations without any delay in payment if required.
have greater inflows than outflows of a given currency. In foreign exchange
operations, long positions arise when the amount purchased of a given currency
is greater than the amount sold. In money market operation a long position
arises from investing a given currency for a shorter period of time than it is
Net Exchange Position
imbalance that arises between all assets and purchases of a currency and all
the liabilities and sales of that currency.
Offer Rate
price at which quoting party is prepared to sell lends currency.
is hedging product which gives the right to use it. If there is gain from it
with the option that it might not be used in case of loss. Therefore it gives
the right to exercise without any obligation to perform.
Outright Forward Rate
forward exchange rate which is expressed in terms of the actual price of one
currency against another rather than as it is customary by the swap rate.
position of foreign exchange operator, who has been bought large amount of a
certain currency than he has sold.
Overbought Position
overbought position in any currency is the excess of assets plus exchange
bought contracts over liabilities plus exchange sold contracts in that foreign
currency while an oversold position represents the reverse.
Overnight Position
foreign exchange or money market position held overnight. There is more risk
associated in such position than one matured during the day because political
and economic event may changes at night. In this condition when the trader
cannot react immediately against the volatility of price.
Overnight Position Limit
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