As a result the Washington based bank said it is stepping up support for efforts to curb climate change and to help the world adapt to it. Urgent action is needed to not only reduce green house gas emissions but also to help countries prepare for a world of dramatic climate change and weather extremes World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a statement.
Already by the 2030s, 40 percent of the land used to grow maize in sub-Saharan Africa will be unable to sustain that crop because of droughts and heat, the report said. Also by that time sea level rise coupled with more intense cyclones could inundate much of Thailand's capital, Bangkok, it Said.
At the world Bank Group, we are concerned that unless the world takes bold action now, a disastrously warming plan threatens to put prosperity out of reach of millions and roll back decades of development, Kim said. "In response we are stepping up our mitigation, adaptation, and disaster risk management work, and will increasingly look at all our business through a climate lens.
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